The old wisdom, “you never get a second chance to make a first impression” is as true in business as anywhere else. Both potential and existing clients are looking to work with companies that are professional and appear trustworthy. A professionally designed logo and cohesive branding can help to create a solid first (and lasting) impression.

A logo should be memorable and unique, as well as simple and timeless. Professional logo design ensures that your small business has a design in the proper format that you can use at any size, for any purpose. A photograph is not a logo! At Building Your Image LLC, our professional logo designers provide clean, concise vector art that you own. Your branding package includes a number of different versions of your business logo, plus the original file so you’re never scrambling to find a version that will print or looking for a redesign of a low-quality image.
A professionally designed logo is a smart investment. If you start out with a bargain logo, not only will it look unprofessional, but at some point you’ll have a great opportunity in front of you and find out that your cheap logo can’t be used to create the materials you need, like banners, shirts and promotional items because it was never a proper logo in the first place. Then you will be faced with the expense and delay of having to redesign your logo, just when you need it most. You might also find that your logo has become recognized among your clients and potential clients and you will lose that brand recognition when you switch over to a professionally designed logo.
Once a strong professionally designed business logo has been established, the next step is to create marketing materials that reflect your brand. Choosing the right colors and fonts that coordinate with your logo and portray the feeling of your business is key. We start with a unique business card design using your new logo, and can custom design rack cards, brochures or other printed collateral marketing materials. Even though we live in the age of the internet, printed collateral materials are a great way to leave information behind, distribute to your referral sources or reach an older demographic. They can also be used effectively as part of a targeted direct mail campaign.